Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Breath of Fresh Air


Last week a group of women gathered for the second gathering of Grammie Rose’s Camp.I tried to keep the food on the lighter side—more fruit and cheese, less cupcakes and chocolate.  The group was a little smaller this time.  Last minute invites on my part and stupid knees that wouldn’t cooperate kept some of my favorite ladies elsewhere.


Christie came from Virginia and we set the table for some Crafts and Conversation.  In this case, the craft was an “altered” mini composition book, hidden inside a floral paper bag.  Darn!  I didn’t get a single picture of anyone with their finished books!


Okay, we did have a couple of sweet treats, including s’more bars. 


I missed getting photos of some of the ladies—Karmen, Alice, Samantha.  I loved seeing everyone hard at work on their books.  It was fun to compare ideas and see how each of us approached the project in our own way.


But I captured Christie and her “bestie”, Tana, both deep in concentration.


One of my favorite parts of Grammie Rose’s Camp is getting together women who may or  may not know each other, and may or may not be very crafty.  The whole afternoon of sharing and effort warmed my heart.


Oh, and then there was the youngest lady of the group, dressed in a little skirt made by her Godmother.  It was a lovely day.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It’s Back!

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Two years ago, I had a party.  I called it “Grammie Rose’s Camp". (if you are wondering about the name, read about it here.)  It was my dream to have women come together to create, to talk, to laugh, and to get away from the cares of the world for an hour or two.
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When I began 2013, I had a vision of reviving my dream.  Christie encouraged me to pursue it.  I resisted, even though in my heart, it’s just what I want to spend my energy on.  I got the invitations out too late, but I finally jumped.  If you are reading this, chances are you you got an invitation in the mail.

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Next Saturday, I will have a table prepared with a cool craft anyone can do.  Christie and I will be making some goodies (with a healthy twist) and praying some of the women we have invited can come to the second edition of Grammie Rose’s Camp.  It’s going to be fun!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Maybe it’s the snowstorm we are expecting tomorrow on April 1st but I’m dreaming of an outdoor tea.  The snow  is bound to disappear eventually and be replaced with a carpet of green.

I imagine bringing out my favorite vintage table cloths and colorful dishes.  We’ll eat scones and cream and have mimosas.  We’ll enjoy the sunshine and the sounds of spring.  We will  have a little craft project to celebrate the day.

I’m thinking mid-May for the next gathering of Grammie Rose’s Camp.  Stay tuned!
(Photo inspiration from Country Living. )

EDITED February 9, 2013:  This didn't happen as I had hoped back then.  Maybe this year.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You are Loved

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What a morning!  Filled with cupcakes, doilies, cutting and pasting, and even a bit of singing of oldies love songs, the first gathering of Grammie Rose’s Camp was a success!  It all made my heart glad.  I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed a chance to step away from the cares of the day. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Party

I'm excited about the first gathering for Grammie Rose's Camp. If you are reading this post, chances are you received an invitation to a Valentine's Party.

I hope the weather holds. Christie is coming from Virginia. She is going to help me prepare for our morning of fun and companionship.

A couple of people have asked about the Valentines. As I thought about a party, I began to think about the old-fashioned fun I had at school for Valentine's Day. There was a beautifully decorated box in the front of the room. Every student would come to school in the days leading up to Valentine's day and put their valentines in the box, awaiting the day that they would all be distributed by the teacher.

Filling out those Valentine's was tricky. Back in my elementary school days, wording was everything. I wanted to be sure the boy I liked didn't get a card that was too silly. But the cards were all silly. Once in a while, a student would bring lollipops in lieu of written cards. Wow. I remember the sweet cherry flavor and the white hearts that were magically painted on the candy.

The party day finally arrived. Moms would bring in cupcakes and sugar cookies cut in heart shapes. Red kool-aid was served. Teacher might receive a special box of chocolates. Foil hearts and paper doilies abounded. Sometimes we made special envelopes to bring our valentines home in.

Sometimes we found out the boy we liked, liked us too. Sometimes we would get the monkey valentine instead. It was exciting and it was fun.

The idea of bringing Valentines is to remember the fun and to celebrate love a little. I'm not quite sure how many will say yes to my invitations so I've asked everyone to bring 12 Valentines to share. Filled out and signed, ready to distribute.

There will be some treats. And a craft so we can cut and paste and use paper hearts like we did when we were girls. I'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Over the River........

Take a turn off the main road. Follow down the hill and over the river across the newly restored iron bridge. Take the first right across the field. I'll greet you at the back door. Maybe we will have tea. Or sit out on the front porch watching the birds. (a girl can dream in February). This is the place Mike and I would escape from the day to day back in the days when vacations were few and the miles from home to camp weren't very far.

We would come here for Sunday afternoons. In the early summer, the girls would hunt for wild strawberries. Karen took first steps here, celebrating her first birthday at "camp". Grammie Rose told a funny story about how she spent the night at camp only once. She and her sister Grace couldn't sleep, for fear of the mice they could hear scurrying around above them. I can only imagine the hours of nervous laughter as they waited for daybreak. The rest of the time, she and Grampa Phil spent quiet hours at camp, almost within sight of their own house.

Christie and friends spent their senior prom night at camp after the dance. She couldn't have known then that her handsome date would one day become her husband.

Camp was a place of refuge from the day-to-day. Mike always slowed down a little when we would visit. We built campfires and invited friends to spend holiday weekends with us. The day came when camp was gifted to my dear husband. The place was etched on his heart. Dreams became reality in 2006 when we left his childhood home and moved into the new home he designed and built for us. Now our escape has become sanctuary.

Two years ago, I went to an amazing retreat and came back with a vision. My home is a gift and a blessing. My vision is to invite others to come and to share in its peace and its welcome. I wrote in my journal a description of what I hope for:

Women are here. We are talking and sharing and creating together.

Grammie Rose was one of the best friends I ever had. She was a funny, warm, lovely lady. She and I spent many hours together, creating things. Laughing. Eating lunch. I know she would have loved this house. I certainly loved Grammie Rose. My vision is dedicated to her.